Thursday, October 14, 2010

How you can help

To start please stop littering and if you see other people littering you tell them to stop and explain how he or she is affecting our world.
You can help by recycling try to go green.
If you see garbage dumped on the ground please pick it up don't just walk away.
You can ask your family and your community to help you stop people that litter by calling the police on them or you can tell them to recycle too.


If we don't stop littering.

Our world our home will be all dirty and unhealthy maybe we wont even exist because of all the diseases that littering has caused. Also not only we won't exist but animals will also be gone because like us they also get sick with familiar diseases. I don't want my world my home to be contaminated by garbage.

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

littering also reduces rate of rain water percolating

The hazards plastics pose are numerous. The land gets littered by plastic bag garbage presenting an ugly and unhygienic seen. The “Throw away culture” results in these bags finding their way in to the city drainage system, the resulting blockage cases inconvenience, difficult in maintaining the drainage with increased cost, creates unhygienic environment resulting in health hazard and spreading of water borne diseases. This littering also reduces rate of rain water percolating, resulting in lowering of already low water levels in our cities. The soil fertility deteriorates as the plastic bags form part of manure remains in the soil for years.
It has been observed that the animals eating the bags sometimes die. Plastic goes into the ocean which is already a plastic infested body of water. Fish and other marine species in the water ways, misunderstanding plastic garbage as food items swallow them and die.

Dr.Kedar Karki

Littering can cause cancer on humans.!!!

When we turn on the water tap to get a drink, few of us really stop to think of the quality of our drinking water. We assume that it meets current standards for consumption. It usually does, but more and more we hear how our water has been contaminated by bacteria and chemicals. A study by the Department of Environmental Quality found perchloroethene (PCE) (traced to a logging company and former dry cleaning businesses) in the drinking water of 21 wells in Sweet Home, Oregon (1995) and 18 wells in Lebanon, Oregon (1990).
PCE is suspected of causing cancers in humans, and its break-down product of trichloroethylene (TCE) is toxic. Additionally, chemicals and sewage are released into our rivers, streams, and lakes. According to the USEPA Toxic Release Inventory System, in 1996, businesses released 1,230,992 pounds of toxic chemicals in Linn county, and 13,940 pounds of toxic chemicals in Benton county (Oregon).

In one way or another we all have consumed certain toxic substances. Some are broken down and excreted while others bioaccumulate. Although the results of this bioaccumulation are not well understood in humans, it is suspected to cause various cancers, low sperm counts, immune system problems, learning disabilities, and birth defects.
As the toxins in our environment continue to add up, more problems are likely to develop in the future. Are there solutions? Well, there is no magic, painless solution. It will require a lot work by the public and industries to decrease the level of chemical pollution we release into our environment.

by Melissa Kilgore

Friday, October 8, 2010


The thing that gets me the most made is when I see people littering in public places. Specially when the place is a park because a park is a place were is suppose to be relaxing, clean, beautiful, and with a lot of animals. When I see people littering I get so mad that I actually start telling them to pick up the garbage that they dump on the ground or I call the cops on them. If I see garbage like in the park or public places that I go to I stat picking up the trash that got left over. I think that I do this because my parents got me used to it since I was a little girl. Also I do this because since I am an animal lover I think that by trying to keep parks clean I help saving them. Helping them live in an better environment.

littering bacteria and humans


Litter can also degrade water quality if there are other harmful chemicals associated with it, which can be harmful to humans if they eat fish from that water. 

 Littering also attracts rodents that can be in public or in people houses.

Thursday, October 7, 2010

what littering effects. PEOPLE

When we litter or dump garbage into the ocean it also not only affects sea animals but it also affects us. When people eat sea food like crail, lobster, fish, ect. They all might be comtaminated with bacteria that could harm our body.