Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Littering hurts animals

When you are littering you are hurting many animal. Please keep it green what happens to you if you pick up your own or someone elses garbage. NOTHING!!

Don't you feel bad looking at this poor ducky struggling to walk to shore. He probaly now thanks to people that litter has a hart time swinming and landing when flying.

A footless duck roams the bank of Bond Lake. Discarded fishing line can get tangled on birds' feet, cutting off circulation until the feet fall off

1 comment:

  1. A lot of people don't realize what a problem this is. I f someone says " i't just one wrapper it's not going to do anything" their kind of right, one wrapper won't do much harm; but if a few hundred thousand people think that way then thats a few hundred thousand wrappers, and that will cause a lot of harm. Poor animals, overall you have good facts but try to broaden it a little more. By that i mean you could add what happens when sewage sewres get clogged, or what will happen in the future if we continue this.
